Saturday 15 May 2010

Well my posts are not good all the time... but take ur time off for a few mins for what this girl in this video has to say..
and when ever you can... when ever you think... but do give it a thought...
the way we are living today... at what cost ?

Is our hard earned knowledge are nothing but a result of huge checks signed for some university/colgs..? ...are we making a difference? more importantly are we capable of making a difference..?

Or has knowledge become a tool just for the enhancement of our bank accounts..? just a tool feed the dogma of the society... we dont use PC made in 1982 yet we all are victims of age old thoughts and traditions which today are nothin but prophecies that compromises on a better future.. a happier future... maybe our own...

if ever in life... you can come out of your excuses give time to this world... put your knowledge to work... for the betterment of life... of society as a whole.... to change lives .. to save lives...
Everyone has restrictions circumstances and all the excuses we can think of.. but what really matters is the courage to make a commitment.. convincingly.. courteously... with character... that we do hold the capacity to make the world we live in, a better place ...
if we don't live a life of purpose today... there will be no future...!!

and if you want to be heard SHOUT OUT LOUD .. when it matters...!!

99.99% of the world goes for the easy way out... livin lives for a bank account, a job in a good company, a home, a car etc etc... a life of hospitality but will never add value to it... happiness is a completely different matter altogether.. !

and as for the remaining 0.01%... are those people who actually found success in life through purpose.
this is the way to live.... because when i die i don't want be restricted to the wall in my home carrying my picture with a garland and a candle stick... and tears to my family and friends...
Because when I die... My loss will bring tears to a billion eyes... Pride to my friends and family... and my life will be to give to those... a smile who will shed tears on my depature...!!!!