Sunday 21 February 2010

La música es Vida [Music is life]

We all listen to music someway or the other any time of the day, awake or asleep. Music has a certain quality that makes the art come alive. The rhythm in music gives it a soul and for the one moment when we find ourselves drenched in melody, be it in any form from sufi to rock, from classic Indian to power ballads, we ourselves become a part of the flow of music.

Music, at times, has been linked to the flow of emotions. Emotions, which are a very tricky subject in themselves, sometimes are very hard come in terms with and at times these feelings that overwhelm our senses, and we find it surprisingly difficult to give them an expression in words. Then... we listen to music, either in mourn or in celebration... it give us a superior expression of self and an in-depth understanding of our inner most self.

For example it is impossible to express in words, the beauty of the seasons first rose blossom in spring , the very essence of the smell, that mesmerizes our senses and puts us in a momentary trance. The most close one can venture of expressing something of such tremendous beauty is in poetry, in which a poet portrays in his finest words, as William Wordsworth did in 'Daffodils'. There is something underlying here, if we look closely, in a poem there are emotions and nature being expressed in a rhythm of words. This rhythm carves the beauty out of those words, and hence gives the essence of an underlying music.

Music, is tremendous in itself. Our lives are touched by music uniquely, our body has a natural rhythm assigned to it, relating to our body masses. Our heart beat to follows a rhythm, even our breath follows a rhythm. when we are sitting quietly with ourselves, on a lonely day, this rhythm gives us company, makes us feel that we are alive from within. Where there is rhythm, there music... there is life.

Prayers, all round the world in different religion, sects and cults are sung in musical annotation.Good music has the capacity to cleanse the soul. Its is the only way that our hearts have found a way of direct expression because Music is nothing that can be thought of, it can only be felt, heard... and can enchant to bliss. Music and feelings both come directly from the heart, so they convey what words fail to carry.

A Musician is an artist who paints on the canvas of silence. Music is what feelings sounds like, its is what life sounds like. Beethoven was deaf when he composed his 9th symphony, his greatest masterpiece ever. A.R. Rahman was just 16 when he gave music to "choti si asha". Its a passion for few and addiction to many.

And last but not the least, as one of my friends told me, even our DNAs contain hidden notes in them.

Music is eternal, unbounded. And perhaps the only language that we actually use to communicate feelings in its true form and nature.

Music: Its language is a language which the soul alone understands, but which the soul can never translate. ~Arnold Bennett

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